Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You have been sent a new personal conversation


Vader has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Grafik".

Vader said:
Forum WarezDark poszukuje Grafika,kogos ze zdolnosciami graficznymi do wykonania banerow itd.

Zgloszenia pisac do mnie na PM


You can reply to this personal conversation by following the link below:


Monday, September 28, 2009

New Global Biz Pre Launch Invitation

Dear .,

Your friend Alex thought you might be interested in this item from a store called Modern Office...
click here to view it | (Reply to newglobalbiz_2009@yahoo.com)

NOTE: If you can not click the link above copy and paste the URL below into your address bar

Additional message from Alex:
Dear Friend,

You are about to discover a new Powerful
Revolutionary System that can generate
both MONEY and the FREEDOM to
enjoy it! A program that guarantees
your success.

Six months in development with selected
highly trained IT personnel and computer
engineers working together 24/7 to make
this happen! Now in existence!!!

A complete Step-By-Step guide will be
provided on how to make thousands and
even Millions of $$$ in under 5 months".
Now, it's your turn to get rich by implementing
this revolutionary system.

Check it out:

To your financial success,

Alex Galang

NOTE: To unsubscribe please hit the reply button
and type "Remove" in the subject line.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New announcement: PLEASE HELP - Typhoon Ondoy Victims

mud and garbage everywhere... that can be clean...

it's the death toll... the missing persons---- adults and children, alike.... the devastation wrought on thousands of homes across the region...

those are the things that are not so easily erased from our minds.... we need kind-hearted people who are willing to help out and donate in any way you can....



To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:


The filsg.com Team.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

PrestaShop - Newsletter n°1

PrestaShop Newsletter n°1
Thursday, September 24th 2009

Projects abound at PrestaShop. This is to keep you informed regularly that we decided to create this newsletter. Now, every Thursday, the news of PrestaShop will be accessible directly from your mailbox! ;-)

Organized into several categories, this allows you to identify at a glance its contents and choose the most suitable to your profile: developer, merchant ...

The program is rich for this first edition: the e-Commerce Convention 2009, an update about the progress of PrestaShop v.1.x developments, news about the community forum, the shop of the week, a review of recent press articles about PrestaShop published across the web, and finally, news about PrestaStore focusing this week on the importance of a custom theme.

e-Commerce Convention 2009

The e-Commerce Convention 2009 is soon!

The e-Commerce Convention 2009 will take place in a few days, from September 29th to October 1st, 2009 at the Porte de Versailles in Paris. This represents an excellent opportunity to meet us on our stand (L23) or during the conference that Bruno Lévêque and Igor Schlumberger will held on September 30th at 2pm.

A large part of our partners will also be present on this exhibition and will be happy to welcome you on their stand: Oxalide, Dejala, Orium ... and more!

More about the e-Commerce Convention 2009
developpement PrestaShop

About the development : v1.2.4.

The v1.2.4 released last Tuesday, corrects, among others, SQL queries from the core of the solution, and the update operation. Duplication of images or products without tags has also been repaired, and the pagination of the back office for navigation within the product listings in categories.

Download PrestaShop 1.2.4

Currently, on the forum 26

After several comments concerning the ergonomics and ambience of the forums, a reorganization of these is underway. Previously, the English-speaking forum called "PrestaShop 1.2" has been renamed as "English forum" to avoid the many posts in a non-English language. This seems to be effective.

Very recently, the forums in the English section have been reorganized so that their use is more intuitive. For example, the forum "Installation, configuration & upgrade" too general, has been split into two: "Help: Installation & upgrade" and "Help: Configuration 1D, other forums have been renamed more explicitly. Please let us know what you think! Very soon, the recruitment of moderators and the establishment of clear rules regarding the use of the forum will be made.

Participate to the Community Forum

The shop of the week : SwoonShop

The shop highlighted this week is the website of Swoon: SwoonShop.com. Designed and produced by PrestaShop, SwoonShop is the website of the eponymous chain of stores, which has 44 stores across France. SwoonShop is a website for fashion kids at the forefront of trends and recognized brands.

Visit the PrestaShop Showcase

Press: PrestaShop was selected among 20 innovative start-ups for the Open Innovation Awards!


Groupe Thématique Logiciel Libre

The Open World Forum announces the 20 startups innovative open source nominated for Open Innovation Awards.

Read the article (Fr)

Le journal du Net

10 French companies nominated for Open Innovation Awards.

Read the article (Fr)

On PrestaStore 26 Graphic themes

img theme

Because a custom theme is essential for any shop wanting a strong visual identity, we must not neglect it. To get users loyalty and facilitate their navigation, good usability is essential. Several points are also taken into account, including compatibility with all browsers, colors, which must be matched to your activity, and time display.

The themes available on PrestaStore have been validated by our team, and ensure full compatibility with PrestaShop. Feel free to discover them!

View the graphics themes available on PrestaStore

This newsletter is primarily yours. Please send us any comments or suggestions you may have, writing to contact@prestashop.com.

See you next week!
The PrestaShop Team

pub_salon ecommerce2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

You have a new personal message ( FOREX Trading )


adminicos has sent you a new personal message titled "youre looking for".

You can read this personal message by following the link below:



The FOREX Trading team.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What Have You Done This Summer Then?

Dear paddy,

So we are half way through the summer, and we hope you have had a crazy one, especially as the trance this year has been of a high standard once more :D

So let us know what you have been up to in this thread:


See you on the forums.

The TranceAlliance.com team

Trance Alliance Forum Statistics:
Registered Users: 7629
Total Posts: 391102
Busiest Time: 35 users were online on Aug 06 2009 01:20 PM

Handy Links
Board Address: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php
Log In: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login
Lost Password Recovery: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=lostpass

How to unsubscribe
Visit your email preferences (http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=usercp) and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the board administrator' is unchecked and submit the form

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Make a fortune in your Cell Phone

Dear Friend, Discover the most effective step-by-step Money Making System in existence... Newly discovered Cell Phone System allows you to tap into the fastest growing income opportunity the planet has ever seen... My friend Mach Michaels already made over $328,707.47 in one month using this! In the next 8 minutes I will show you undeniable proof that this system is real, legal and works for EVERYONE who uses it... Guaranteed to work even if you're "un-motivated"... In fact, it's best if you only put in an hour or so per day! Check it out faster: http://vur.me/s/phoneriches All the best, -Lilia Mardox- Note: To unsubscribe, just reply "Remove me"

This weeks downloads - TranceAlliance.com

Dear paddy,

Here is a selection of what we have to download this week from our main download forums:

Exclusive UKTA Downloads Forum: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?showforum=107

Kyau And Albert - Euphonic Sessions August
Super8 & Tab - Anjunabeats Worldwide 135
Markus Schulz - Gdjb World Tour - St. Petersburg
Tiesto - Club Life 123
Paul Van Dyk - Vonyc Sessions 154
Ferry Corsten - Corsten's Countdown 110

Classic DJ Mixes: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?showforum=127

Paul Oakenfold Essential Mix "a Rare Treat" - Sunday 19th October, 1997
Pete Tong, Sasha & Paul Oakenfold - Essential Mix Live On Radio 1 @ Creamfields 1998 (the Full Original Broadcast)
Sasha & Digweed - Hacienda's 12th Birthday 1994
Dj Tiesto - Live At Samfundet Trondheim (server Upload)9/15/2000
Carl Cox Vs. Sven Väth - Loveparade 1999

Member Trance Dj mixes: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?showforum=62

Judge Jules - Global Dj Warmup Episode 289 - 2009-08-07
Matt Darey - In The Mix 136 & 137 - 2009-08-08
Scot Project @ Scotcast Mix 008 - 2009-08-07

And that is only a small selection of what has been on offer uploaded this week. So check back regularly to see what else is available. New downloads every day.

See you on the forums

Trance Alliance Forum Statistics:
Registered Users: 7624
Total Posts: 391062
Busiest Time: 35 users were online on Aug 06 2009 01:20 PM

Handy Links
Board Address: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php
Log In: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login
Lost Password Recovery: http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=lostpass

How to unsubscribe
Visit your email preferences (http://www.trancealliance.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=usercp) and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the board administrator' is unchecked and submit the form

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Truebones is 22% off for 2 days only.

Howdy Folks,

Heres some really good news.

Truebones is now running a 2 day (48 hour sale) where you can get 22% off any purchase at http://www.truebones.com

2 whole days to SAVE 22% off any Truebones single motion or single pak of motion. This includes the MonsterBones MegaMotions Pak (which now has over 2700 HQ motions in BVH format.)

Just use this coupon code after adding any item to your cart. (anytime within 48 hours from now)


So take advantage of this great deal because this sale ends 2 days or 48 hours from now.

Thanks again and Cheers


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Birthday from Cable TV Talk

Hello paddy,

We at Cable TV Talk would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Happy Birthday from Tech Forums

Hello paddy,

We at Tech Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Happy Birthday from RelicNews Forums

Hello paddy,

We at RelicNews Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Happy Birthday from Gambling.co.uk Forum

Hello paddy,

We at Gambling.co.uk Forum would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Happy Birthday from Gamblingnetwork.com Forum

Hello paddy,

We at Gamblingnetwork.com Forum would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Happy Birthday from CPFC BBS

Hello paddy,

We at CPFC BBS would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

You have a new personal message ( Anime Central Convention Forums )


rusgirl has sent you a new personal message titled "Hello".

You can read this personal message by following the link below:



The Anime Central Convention Forums team.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Free Truebones Motions are now available

Howdy Folks Great News.

There are some great new FREE BVH motions now available at the Truebones.com website.

To access these simply go to Truebones.com and click Bonus Pak on the left.

Then simply add them to your cart FREE and then check out.

In addition if you go to Animeeple.com you can also get over 100 free Truebones motions in bvh format.

Please feel free to visit http://www.animeeple.com/market.html and click on MrBones Store Link on the right hand side.

Thanks again and Cheers folks.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

PrestaShop will attend the 6th e-commerce Convention in Paris

PrestaShop will attend the 6th e-Commerce Convention in Paris

The 6th e-Commerce Convention takes place at the Porte de Versailles in Paris from September 29th to October 1st 2009. Each year, this exhibition is an event and the 2009 edition seems to be impressive: 450 exhibitors, 250 conferences, 15 trainings. In 2008, the show attracted nearly 20 000 visitors.


PrestaShop at the e-Commerce Convention

logo convention e-commerce

The e-Commerce Convention is an excellent opportunity to meet and talk together about our software.

PrestaShop team will participate in the most important exhibition of the sector, and will be happy to answer your questions during these three days dedicated to e-commerce.

Whether you are a merchant, a services provider or a partner, do not hesitate to visit us at the stand L23 in the Hall 7.3 of the Parc des Expositions.

Free registration on ecommerceparis.com


A conference dedicated to PrestaShop

You will be able to assist to a conference lead by Bruno Lévêque and Igor Schlumberger, co-founders of PrestaShop, who will speak around the theme:« Design and launch your e-commerce website: Discovery of the Open-Source e-commerce software PrestaShop », on Wednesday September 30th, at 2:00pm.

Access to this conference is free, think about booking your seat on ecommerceparis.com

Do not hesitate to come to meet us!

See you soon,
PrestaShop Team

Monday, September 7, 2009

Truebones 20% off all products sale ends today!

Howdy Folks, Great News.

Today is the last day Truebones is offering 20% off all products

Just use this discount coupon code when ordering.


This sale ends today, So order today!

Thanks again and Cheers


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Be financially free within 6-12 months-Guaranteed

Your Friend, Kent, has recommended the following page on Caswell-Massey

Title: Be financially free within 6-12 months-Guaranteed
URL: http://www.caswellmassey.com/Default.aspx

Your friend also included this personal message:


Get ready for this:
You can be financially free before this year is over...

Oh, I hear you... you've seen every online scheme
and scam under the sun and you're fed up, frustrated,
and exhausted trying to make money online...

It's not your fault, though... part of the problem
is that we tend to get distracted easily, and jump
from thing to thing...

When all we really need to do is find one proven
method and stick with it...


Yes, it really is that simple...

The Internet is the modern version of the California
Gold Rush... thousands of ordinary people are working
from home and creating a nice little lifestyle for

If they can do it, you can too...


Check it out... and you'll see exactly what I'm talking

To your success!

-Kent Hartman-

P.S. Whether you're looking to quit your job and
make a fulltime income online...

Go now and find out what it's all about:

Don't want to receive future email from us, just reply

NOTE: If your e-mail account doesn't automatically turn the URL above into a link, you can copy and paste it into your browser.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Update ( Filesoup )

Hello paddy,

A quick note to let you know that I've finally got my original chat room running again, just like it always was in the 'good old days'!

Please bookmark it now just in case Filesoup goes down ;-) ...just drop in for a chat anytime.

Geeker's Chat Room is online at : http://thegeeker.no-ip.com:92

Thank you to everyone for your continuing support.

Kind regards

Filesoup Statistics:
Registered Users: 1041208
Total Posts: 159934

Handy Links
Board Address: http://filesoup.com/forum/index.php
Log In: http://filesoup.com/forum/index.php?act=Login&CODE=00
Lost Password Recovery: http://filesoup.com/forum/index.php?act=Reg&CODE=10

How to unsubscribe
Visit your email preferences (http://filesoup.com/forum/index.php?act=UserCP&CODE=02) and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the board administrator' is unchecked and submit the form

Last day to save 20% at Truebones.com

Howdy Folks,

Truebones is offereing 20% off all products.

Just use this discount coupon code when ordering.


This sale ends today!

Thanks again and Cheers


Stout Man iClone G2 Character addons

Hello paddy paddy,

We have published this great product on iCloneTemplate.com that might be of interest for you.

You can find it here:


You're receiving this Newsletter because you have subscribed
to the Newsletter Service at http://iclonetemplate.com.
To unsubscribe please click here: http://iclonetemplate.com/index.php?option=com_letterman&task=unsubscribe&Itemid=1

E-mail: marnagianunzio59@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Danna thought you might like this product at CafePress.com!

Hi Friend!

Danna asked us to send you this email along with the following note:

Dear Friend,

A long kept secret for generating free electricity
is finally on the open, and you'll never have to
pay a single dime to the power company

How would you like to create a generator which
creates free electric energy? Using our easy-to-follow
guide, you will be able create a Magnetic Power
Generator which creates absolutely free energy,
and doesn't require any resource like wind or solar
energy to function, the magniwork generator creates
energy by itself and powers your home for free.
The generator works fully off the grid, take a look
now by clicking the link below to get an idea of how
it works:

Go here:


Danna Webster
Energy Specialist

Don't want to receive future email
from us, just reply "Take Me Off Your List"

You can view the product by visiting:


Hope you like it!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Truebones 20% off all products sale!

Howdy Folks, Great News.

For a limited time Truebones is offereing 20% off all products.

Just use this discount coupon code when ordering.


This sale ends soon so order today!

Thanks again and Cheers
