Thursday, September 20, 2012

Truebones Motions has invited you to join Twitter!

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Truebones Motions has invited you to join Twitter!

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Twitter helps you stay connected with what's happening right now and with the people and organizations you care about.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Birthday from Tech Forums

Hello paddy,

We at Tech Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Happy Birthday from Forum

Hello paddy,

We at Forum would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hey,'s Forum is Looking for Moderators...

Yes, our forums have grown to a point that it is impossible for John and
myself to keep up with all the needed moderation. So, we are looking for a
few more moderators to join our forum team. Ideally, we are looking for
someone who has been an active member of our forums and has a feel for what
we do.

You should know...

There is no monetary compensation. However, you will get exposure. If you
are looking to get some notoriety as a small business or internet marketing
expert, this would be a good opportunity for you.

John Counsel, our main moderator has an amazing amount of knowledge in
small business and in network marketing. His expertise and commitment has
been invaluable. We are looking for someone of his caliber to join us.

There are some other perks. Some big things are in the makes at Moderators will always be "in-the-know" first and
will be invited to beta test much of what will be offered.

If you are interested, please go this this post...
and leave a quick reply to let us know your interest AND then PM me (Heidi)
on the forums with the following information:

Your full name
Where you are from
Your website(s)
A little about your business and/or online experience
A little about your personal background and interests
How much time you can commit a week to the forums

We are looking for quality and will bring on one or more moderators,
depending on the amount of time you can put in and what kind of experience
and knowledge you have.

We would love to have you join our forum team. Reply to this post showing
your interest AND send me a PM with the above info.

This message was sent from the of
which you are a member. Don't be a stranger. Come and visit!