Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Private Message has arrived

Hello paddy,

You have received a new private message to your account on "" and you have requested that you be notified on this event. You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:

Remember that you can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile.

Thanks, The Management

Saturday, November 28, 2009

.::Cardsplitter NEWS::.

Witam Serdecznie

Mam ciekawy pomysł dla naszych klientów :)

Otóż postanowiliśmy przypomnieć naszym klientowm , że jeżeli mają zawarte umowy na abonament telewizyjny z jakimkolwiek operatorem np CYFRA+ , POLSAT

CYFROWY, N HDTV, VECTRA i inne to istotne jest zapoznanie sie ze swoja umową i sprawdzenie do kiedy jest ona wazna.

Informacja ta ma znaczenie dośc spore i przekłada sie na finansowe korzyści dla naszych klientów.

Otóż posiadając umowę zawartą na jakiś abonament klient zobowiązuje się przez OKRES PODSTAWOWY opłacać ustalone w umowie z operatorem kwoty miesięcznego abonamentu za dostęp do określonych w umowie kanałów.Jednak mało kto wie z klientów , że po okresie podstawowym umowa taka

przekształca sie w umowe na czas nieokreślony z wypowiedzeniem trzymiesięcznym oraz , że taka umowa jest juz wtedy niekorzystna dla abonaneta , ponieważ nie otrzymuje on żadnych rabatów, ulg ani promocji.

Dlatego najkorzystniej jest zerwać dotychczasowa umowę poprzez napisanie wypowiedzenia umowy i zawrzeć nową umowę na aktualnych warunkach promocyjnych. Zawsze NOWY abonent jest lepiej traktowany i szanowany niż stary klient , zawsze to dla nowych abonentów sa lepsze oferty promocyjne.

Dodatkowo nowy abonent może sobie zakupic lub otrzymac GRATIS nowy dekoder , a staremu abonentowi sugeruje się korzystanie z dotychczasowego starego , niekiedy mocnozużytego dekodera.

Na naszych serwerach sa do pobrania gotowe druki wypowiedzeń umów abonamentowych ( wymagany OPEN OFFICE ze strony ) , wystarczy wpisac własne dane i wysłać listem poleconym za potwierdzeniem odbioru (zaleca się wypisywać i podpisywać NIEBIESKIM długopisem)

wypowiedzenie CYFRA+

wypowiedzenie POLSAT CYFROWY

wypowiedzenie N

wypowiedzenie VECTRA

Proponujemy naszym klientom skorzystanie z usług naszej firmy zarówno w zakresie wypowiedzenia aktualnej umowy jak i podpisania nowej umowy na warunkach promocyjnych.

Osoby zainteresowane tą formą promocji prosimy o kontakt mailowy:

Dla każdego abonenta zmieniającego swojego aktualnego operatora mamy przygotowane korzystne warunki oraz GRATIS od naszej firmy :)

Przy wyborze polecamy umowe z Telewizją Nhdtv z praktycznego powodu wprowadzenia najnowszego technologicznie dekodera TURBO PVR z 500GB dyskiem.

Opis promocji i dekodera wraz z fotkami do zapoznania sie tutaj:


pozdrawiamy serdecznie


.::WarezDark::. Statystyki:
Zarejestrowanych użytkowników: 77724
Łącznie postów: 99435
Najwięcej użytkowników online 2109 było Jun 14 2009 02:04

Mail ten nie jest SPAMEM i nie mozna go tak traktowac.Zostal wyslany zgodnie z regulaminem,ktory zaakceptowales(as) podczas rejestracji.
Pamietaj o tym!

The Truebones MonsterBones MegaMotions 2800 Pak is now over 50% off

Howdy Folks, Great News!

The Truebones MonsterBones MegaMotions 2800 Pak is now on sale today for over half off!

Recently upgraded with over 2800 High Quality Motion Captures in BVH format, The MonsterBones MegaMotions Pak is the ultimate and complete collection of Truebones motions in BVH format.

Order today and save over 50% off the regular retail price.

Make sure to tell all your friends about this amazing offer.

To order The MonsterBones MegaMotions 2800 Pak simply click this link.

This special discount offer ends soon so order today before this sale ends.

Let me know if you have any problems or questions.

Thanks again and Cheers.

Joe McPeek

Friday, November 27, 2009

New Private Message has arrived

Hello paddy,

You have received a new private message to your account on "" and you have requested that you be notified on this event. You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:

Remember that you can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile.

Thanks, The Management

You have a new personal message ( FOREX Trading )


Nokiboof has sent you a new personal message titled "Re: где мо".

You can read this personal message by following the link below:


The FOREX Trading team.

Er is een nieuw bericht

Hallo paddy,

Je heb een nieuw bericht ontvangen op "" en hebt in je profiel
aangegeven dat je hiervoor via e-mail een waarschuwing wilt krijgen.

Klik op de volgende link om je berichten te bekijken:

Je kunt deze waarschuwingen eventueel uitschakelen via de instellingen in je

Thanks, The Management

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Prestashop - Newsletter #10

PrestaShop Newsletter #010
Thursday, November 26th 2009

Edito : This week, a big news! Free contributions arrive on PrestaStore!
Submit and discover now free Community modules and themes on our marketplace dedicated to PrestaShop.
New languages are also available for our software. Thanks to all our contributors!
The showcase has also known a significant update, discover more than 15 new references using PrestaShop. To finish, as every week, a review of progress made on the SVN version, and the shop of the week. Happy reading!


PrestaStore open to free contributions!

img store

As we had announced 2 months ago, PrestaStore now becomes the official platform for free themes and modules for PrestaShop!
Some community projects had been undertaken before, and in agreement with their creators, we decided to federate all the work on a single website, to promote trade within our community. So we have made available the necessary tools to manage contributions by a team of moderators from the Community.

We hope as well that ergonomics and ease of extensions search extensions for PrestaShop will be greatly enhanced, thus fixing a major problem of the moment. We are always ready to listen to your comments!

This feature is still very recent, so we especially appeal to developers, designers and integrators to help us to build up a catalog worthy of the name!
If you want to participate in moderation of free contributions, this is still time to apply to the forum!

Visit PrestaStore

Apply for contributions moderation


New languages available!

showcase PrestaShop

Six new languages are available for our software: simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Ukrainian, Arabic, Georgian and Bulgarian. These additions make that our software now reaches 37 translations!

Other languages have been updated, like Russian, Catalan and Vietnamese.
It is noteworthy that some recent files may require an immediate contribution from our Community to be updated and fully correspond to the latest version of PrestaShop.

Moreover, we always recruit moderators for languages, so do not hesitate to apply. A documentation about how using the tool will be available soon and distributed to moderators who will be recruited.

Download languages packs

Participate in translations of PrestaShop
showcase PrestaShop

Showcase updated !

More than 15 new references have been added to our showcase! Proof of our Community’s interest for PrestaShop, we are always happy to see nice PrestaShop shops beginning in the e-commerce sector :)
Our showcase now contains more than 150 stores!

Visit the showcase PrestaShop

About the development – SVN Version

developpement PrestaShop

As each week, here is a summary of changes made on the SVN version of PrestaShop:

  • Fixed display of product prices in the catalog of the Back-Office
  • Fix on the module blocknewproducts
  • Optimization of the Back Office with, among others, added indexes in the database and some corrected queries
  • Added a block "Need help?" in the installer with links to the forum and the blog
  • Updated the installer following the database optimizations
  • Added a "-" character before the value of coupons displayed in retail orders
  • Fixed a bug of "date picker" on the time format
Please visit the SVN to consult the full list of corrections.

Download PrestaShop 1.2.5

The shop of the week!

This week's coffee break!
offers high quality coffee beans, artisan roasted. Ethiopia, Guatemala, Colombia... Discover coffees carefully selected!

Visit the showcase PrestaShop

This newsletter is primarily yours.
Please send us any comments or suggestions you may have, writing to

See you next week!
The PrestaShop Team

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A recommendation from Lanie


Dear Friend,

\"Something Fantastic" happens
almost every day at the same time,
to the same stock index.. that will
make you rich!

Learn the Dittman's Secret uniqueness
that has been recently featured on:
"The Wall Street Journal"

And make an incredible profit one
single stock index trade within15 minutes
of the market opening!

See it for yourself:

All the best,

Lanie Fox

Note: Don't want to receive further email
from us, please reply "Unsubscribe".

Click below to view the webpage that your friend has recommended:

Lanie has used the Tell-a-Friend form to send you this link.

We look forward to your visit!

Friday, November 20, 2009

paddy! We miss you!

Hello, paddy!

We've noticed that you've not been active on Forum for quite some time now, and we miss you!

Could we not tempt you back?

If you don't remember your password, you can request it here:

We hope to see you soon


Kindest Regards Forum

paddy! We miss you!

Hello, paddy!

We've noticed that you've not been active on Gambling Forum for quite some time now, and we miss you!

Could we not tempt you back?

If you don't remember your password, you can request it here:

We hope to see you soon


Kindest Regards

Gambling Forum

Thursday, November 19, 2009

PrestaShop - Newsletter #9

PrestaShop Newsletter #9
Thursday, November 19th 2009

Edito : This week, a brief resume of the PHP Forum organized last week, an update about the many corrections made on the SVN version of PrestaShop, a look at the contributions to the Tax and Laws section, the shop of the week of course, and finally, the thematic of PrestaStore, today: referencing!
Happy reading! ;-)


About the PHP Forum…

The PHP Forum has been a place where we met and exchanged with many persons from Open-Source world. Thank you to everyone who came to visit us :)
Discover in pictures our stand, and the two members of our team, Alain & Antoine, representing PrestaShop!

# #

Free contributions validation on PrestaStore


We are doing as fast as possible to provide you, as promised, the free contributions on PrestaStore. The implementation of this feature being from now on achieved, the final tests have begun. If these tests do not involve additional developments, this should be online very soon. Thank you for your patience!

This is however important to keep in mind that this PrestaStore's section will not be managed in totality by the PrestaShop team but also by the community itself, and your help will be essential to the free contributions durability on this platform. So we encourage you to join on the forum the members who already offered to put their skills to the service of the community!

Free contributions validators recruitment!

Development – SVN Version

developpement PrestaShop

This week again, many corrections have been made on the SVN version of PrestaShop:

  • Fixed price calculations (taxes...) on the Front Office, Back Office and PDF Invoices
  • Added the extension of files attached to product data sheets
  • Fixed the method getStaticPrice (): now calculates the reductions only if necessary
  • Fixed translations on the Front and Back Office as well as the module “mailalerts”
  • Fixed EAN13 codes verification on products, which now allows only numeric characters as recommended by EAN13 standard
  • Ability to disable automatic checking of modules updates
  • Optimization of MySQL performance with the addition of indexes and some SQL queries on the Front Office and some modules
  • Optimization of Smarty, added a new parameter in the file
Note : Due to changes related to database and some configuration files, we advise people using the SVN version, to update or reinstall PrestaShop.

Download PrestaShop 1.2.5

Taxes and Laws : a rapid glance!


As each week, a look at the new contributions which make progress every day our software compatibility with the various tax systems throughout the world.

Participate to the "Taxes and laws" forum"


The shop of the week

This week, it smells good!, the e-shop of Creed (perfumes company founded in 1760!), offers numerous fragrances for men and women, and scents :)

Visit the PrestaShop Showcase

On PrestaStore… Referencing modules

img store

Online shoppers often use search engines to find the product they need. So the importance of referencing e-commerce websites is crucial, and we must not forget the different kinds of it.

In 2008, the proportion between organic SEO and commercial one is only 20% for the first, against 80% for the second. When we think about user behavior on a search engine, is this ratio really suitable? You decide!

PrestaShop was designed to be well referenced by the main engines, but a good technique does not replace good content. Therefore, PrestaStore offers modules that facilitate the filling of Meta data and display what the engines really want to see!

Module Nuage de recherche Hot Trends
This module adds a page to your site that indexes the searched words in your store search engine. Then, you can reference your website about what your customers seek!

Module SEO - Référencement SEO
This module allows you to fill automatically elements from your product files, based on predefined criteria fully configurable and important for referencing. Thus, whatever the quantity of products you offer, all fields will be filled in the best way.

Discover all our referencing modules on PrestaStore!

This newsletter is primarily yours.
Please send us any comments or suggestions you may have, writing to

See you next week!
The PrestaShop Team

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Private Message has arrived

Hello paddy,

You have received a new private message to your account on "" and you have requested that you be notified on this event. You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:

Remember that you can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile.

Thanks, The Management

Thursday, November 12, 2009

PrestaShop - Newsletter #8

PrestaShop Newsletter #8
Thursday, November 12th 2009

Edito : Another busy week! Between the PHP Forum, where we meet many people, development and bug fixes on the software, PrestaStore modules, free, not free, recruitment of modules moderators, of languages managers...

Discover this newsletter some of what we are busy right now: PHP forum, of course, but also a point on the SVN version development, the news of the community forum, and administration tools available on PrestaStore. Happy reading! ;-)


PHP Forum in Paris: this is now!


The PHP Forum takes place today and tomorrow at the “Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie” in Paris - Porte de la Villette.

PHP User? Come to learn more and meet us around our e-commerce software. We will be happy to answer your questions ;-)

Practical Information on the PHP Forum

Development – SVN Version

developpement PrestaShop

New adjustments were made to the SVN version of PrestaShop.
Here is a list of changes made:

  • Images URL removed in Google SiteMap (these are not referenced by Google)
  • Mail templates: order_merchant_comment.html and order_merchant_comment.txt added in exported translations
  • Ability to add numbers in city names (eg Paris 5)
  • Fixed the choice of the products number per page, displays only the appropriate choice depending on the number of products
  • Optimized SEO of each page
  • Impossibility to remove the default client group, to avoid corrupting his shop
  • Various corrections on the SSL, Google Analytics, translations, and Google Chart

  • One functionality has also been added:
    The setup test of mail server in the Back Office

Do not hesitate to consult the SVN changelog to check the complete list!

Download PrestaShop 1.2.5

Free contributions validation on PrestaStore


Many of you have offered your services on the forum or by e-mail to participate in the management of free contributions that will be offered on PrestaStore. Most will test or verify modules, which is the most important task to ensure they function properly and do not contain malicious code.

Regarding the writing and translation of the descriptions, and also possibly of the instructions for installation and use, we got mainly proposals for English and French, as well as some resources for Spanish, German and Hebrew.

So if you also want to participate in the localization of these contributions in your language, please let us know on our forum. It's now or never to boost your PrestaShop community ;-)

Free contributions validators recruitment!

Currently, on the Forum... Taxes and laws section update


Contributions continue to be made on our Taxes & Laws forum.
Sometimes even more than expected.

For instance, Lithuania gave us a very complete report about its tax application. Brazil and Netherlands have also provided important extra informations.

Despite all those ones, a lot of other communities keep silence. If it could means that PrestaShop handles already perfectly their needs it would be perfect. Unfortunately we cannot stand for it, laws are numerous and very different from a country to another one and we think that a big collaborative work remains necessary.

The asian continent is still very expected (Korea, India, Japan...), China being its only country that provided data.

Participate to the "Taxes and laws" forum


The Shop of the week -

This week, Poland is in the spotlight! Discover the incredible, a bike shop for children, brilliantly customized, and based on PrestaShop... Let’s go for a ride! ;-)

Visit the PrestaShop Showcase

On PrestaStore: Admin tools

img store

PrestaShop integrates a large number of features. However, each merchant has its own specific needs, relative to its core business.

The "Administrative Tools" category from PrestaStore tends to fill this gap by offering various modules for various functions. For example, discover:

  • PSE PDF Catalog helps you to create a PDF catalog of products from your store

  • "Recovery command" allows, as its name suggests, to convert your customers carts. Practice if a problem occurs during the checkout!

  • "Statutes Coliposte / Chronopost" automatically updates the status of customer orders, checking himself on the La Poste website where is the order.

  • "Ban IPs" lets you ban the IPs of your choice, allowing you to ban proxies users on your shop.

Many other tools are waiting you on PrestaStore!

This newsletter is primarily yours.
Please send us any comments or suggestions you may have, writing to

See you next week!
The PrestaShop Team