Dear Valued Truebones customers, Great News!
Due to popular demand and to be fair to all, Truebones is running the bulk pak discount sale one last time.
The new Truebones 3,000+ Bulk Pak has recently been significantly updated to over 3,000 motions in BVH format, and now Includes the following 25 motion paks from
2D and 3D Previews of the following Truebones motion paks are now available at Animeeple.
BoogieBones Motions
CellBones Motions
ChocolateBones Motions
ColdMilk Motions
CombatBones Motions (tandem 2 person fighting moves)
CoolBones Motions
CrystalBones Motions
EconoBones Motions
FreeBones Motions
FunPak Motions
GameBones Motions
GameBones Add On Pak 1
GameBones Add On Pak 2
IcyBones Motions
Incredibones Motions (for Motion Builder)
JediBones Motions (
Lightsaber Moves)
LuckyBones Motions
Michael Jackson Dance Moves
MilkBones Motions
StoryBones/Action Pak
MojoBones Motions
SmoothMoves Motions
ObamaBones Motions
SexyBones Womens Motions
Dance Xpansion Pak
Well over 3,000 High Quality Motions Captures in BVH format!
Also included, is a T-posed skeleton for rigging, A brand new version of BVHacker 1.7 software for previewing and editing BVH files, and a Truebones Iclone .VNS profile for converting our BVH motion files to be Iclone compatible.
Bonus! Order now and you will also receive, over 100 I-clone dance motions in .VNS format!
and over 1,000 I-clone Motions of a wide variety in .VNS format!
Click this link to order The "Truebones 3000+ BVH Bulk Pak" today for only $99.00! (Thats over $200.00 of the regular retail price and less than 10 cents per motion capture!.)
This special discount offer expires tonight, so be sure to take advantage of this spectacular savings today!
This will be the final discount offer for the Truebones Motions 3,000 Bulk Pak, So be sure to tell all your friends.
Let me know if you have any problems or questions, or need any additional time to purchase.
Thanks again and Cheers
Joseph E McPeek (aka Mr.Bones) 248-909-6422