Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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Truebones Motions New truebones videos.

We have some new videos at

Please feel free to sub and share these videos.

Thanks and Cheers


Monday, April 18, 2011

Monsters in the T.O.M.B. Sale!

Dear valued Truebones customer, Great News!

Truebones Motions is proud to present "Monsters in the T.O.M.B." Sale!

Due to popular demand Truebones has combined both of their most popular Motion Paks into one super special offer!

Order Today and you get both T.O.M.B. The Online Motions Box and "The MonsterBones MegaMotions Pak" for one ultra low price!

(contents of the MonsterBones MegaMotions Pak.)

2Bones Tandem Motions(newest)
BoogieBones Motions
CellBones Motions
ChocolateBones Motions
ColdMilk Motions
CombatBones Motions (tandem 2 person fighting moves)
CoolBones Motions
CrystalBones Motions
EconoBones Motions
FreeBones Motions
FunPak Motions
GameBones Motions
GameBones Add On Pak 1
GameBones Add On Pak 2
IcyBones Motions
Incredibones Motions (for Motion Builder)
JediBones Motions (Lightsaber Moves)
LuckyBones Motions
Michael Jackson Dance Moves
MilkBones Motions
StoryBones/Action Pak
MojoBones Motions
SmoothMoves Motions
ObamaBones Motions
SexyBones Womens Motions
Dance Motions Xpansion Pak
PowerBones Motions(new)

A full listing of T.O.M.B. The included Online Motions Box is available at

Also Included in this special and exclusive offer:

An .Mnm Marker file for 3D MAX Biped USERS!
A T-posed pre-calibrated rigging skeleton.
A .VNS conversion profile for Iclone users to convert Truebones BVH to be I-Clone Compatible.
A brand new version of BVHacker 1.7.1 software for previewing and editing .BVH files.
A full organized catalog listing of the T.O.M.B. contents in excel format.
A Mr.Bones Avatar in FBX format provided by Evolver!
And over 1,100.I-Clone motions of a great variety in .VNS format!

Order Today and you get both "T.O.M.B. The Online Motions Box" and "The MonsterBones MegaMotions Pak" !

Click this link to order The "Monsters in the T.O.M.B. BVH Bulk Pak's"  today for only $99.00!

This special discount offer absolutely expires tonight (04-18-11,) so be sure to take advantage of this spectacular savings today!

Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Thanks and Cheers!

Joseph E McPeek (aka Mr.Bones)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Truebones Motions Monsters in the T.O.M.B. Sale!

Dear valued Truebones customer, Great News!

Truebones Motions is proud to present "Monsters in the T.O.M.B." Sale!

Due to popular demand Truebones has combined both of their most
popular Motion Paks into one super special offer!

Order Today and you get both T.O.M.B. The Online Motions Box and "The
MonsterBones MegaMotions Pak" for one ultra low price!

(contents of the MonsterBones MegaMotions Pak.)

2Bones Tandem Motions(newest)
BoogieBones Motions
CellBones Motions
ChocolateBones Motions
ColdMilk Motions
CombatBones Motions (tandem 2 person fighting moves)
CoolBones Motions
CrystalBones Motions
EconoBones Motions
FreeBones Motions
FunPak Motions
GameBones Motions
GameBones Add On Pak 1
GameBones Add On Pak 2
IcyBones Motions
Incredibones Motions (for Motion Builder)
JediBones Motions (Lightsaber Moves)
LuckyBones Motions
Michael Jackson Dance Moves
MilkBones Motions
StoryBones/Action Pak
MojoBones Motions
SmoothMoves Motions
ObamaBones Motions
SexyBones Womens Motions
Dance Motions Xpansion Pak
PowerBones Motions(new)

A full listing of T.O.M.B. The included Online Motions Box is
available at

Also Included in this special and exclusive offer:

An .Mnm Marker file for 3D MAX Biped USERS!
A T-posed pre-calibrated rigging skeleton.
A .VNS conversion profile for Iclone users to convert Truebones BVH to
be I-Clone Compatible.
A brand new version of BVHacker 1.7.1 software for previewing and
editing .BVH files.
A full organized catalog listing of the T.O.M.B. contents in excel
A Mr.Bones Avatar in FBX format provided by Evolver!
And over 1,100.I-Clone motions of a great variety in .VNS format!

Order Today and you get both "T.O.M.B. The Online Motions Box" and
"The MonsterBones MegaMotions Pak" !

Click this link to order The "Monsters in the T.O.M.B. BVH Bulk
Pak's" today for only $99.00!

This special discount offer absolutely expires tonight (05-15-11,) so
be sure to take advantage of this spectacular savings today!

Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Thanks and Cheers!

Joseph E McPeek (aka Mr.Bones) Site Upgrade & New Ownership

paddy, wants you back...

You have been absent from the site and we would like to invite you to take a look at some of the recent changes to the forum! We have updated the site but we need your help to make it a success. Our goal is to have a helpful, fun, family friendly site that can offer ideas & feedback to a strong crafting community. We are looking for members who would like to volunteer their services to make the forums a wonderful place for the members as well as those who would like to submit articles on "how-to's", projects, craft product reviews, etc. If you are a past writer or blogger for the site - we are interested in visiting with you. We would like to once again get some fresh articles & ideas posted so that the community can enjoy them. If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, PM a member of the staff so we can chat (Smalltowngirl13, Admin).

Some of the recent changes include server updates, forum software updates, custom avatars, smilies to spruce up those posts and new site owners. All that we are missing - is you! Just follow the link - and let us know what you think, give suggestions and let's get the site back to where it once was or possibly even better.

Just some of the new features the new software offers include:

* Active Topics - See what's new on the site at a glance -
* User Groups - User Created/Run Social Groups, Regional Groups, etc. -
* Member Photo Albums - Upload your pictures, free! -

Look forward to seeing you on the forum soon!

** Note: If you are having trouble logging on, you can reset your password at the following URL:

The Staff

Friday, April 8, 2011

Truebones Motions Viral BVH Demo and Discount!

Howdy Folks,

Great News!

Heres our new Truebones Motions Demo in BVH format.

Please feel free to forward this message and link to your friends,

Inside the zip file you will find 20 new FREE BVH animation files from

Check the read me for a special discount link.

Thanks and Cheers

Joe McPeek from

Friday, April 1, 2011

Truebones Motions This is not a Joke BVH animations SALE! from

Howdy Folks,

Today you can get the entire T.O.M.B. 4,000 HQ BVH Pak for only $49.00

This is not a joke and is a limited time offer. So order yours Today!

Make sure to tell all your friends.

Thanks and Cheers

Only at